You would be hard pressed to find
someone who supports tax avoidance. We all agree that at least some
tax must be collected for the police, fire service, the military,
etc. Only an extremely libertarian inclined individual would suggest
that it is acceptable for multi-billion pound companies to only pay
tax on a tiny percentage of their income. However, I believe that it
is not enough to oppose tax avoidance and that only radical change to
our economy can prevent large companies from dodging their
responsibility to society.
There is little political will to
tackle the problem of tax avoidance – the government would much
rather spend its time exaggerating the problem caused by poor people.
Whenever anyone suggest that a stronger line be taken with large
companies, their apologists argue that if we are not nice to the
wealthy people and let them get away with whatever they want, then
they will take their money elsewhere. As recent tax probes have
shown, if rich companies do not pay tax when we are very nice and
accommodating to them, then I am not certain what we have to lose by
compelling them to pay more tax.
A political and popular desire to
tackle the entrenched privileges of wealth is needed to stop tax
avoidance. Whenever a particular gross piece of excesses is
uncovered, we as a nation simply tut disapprovingly but nothing ever
changes. We are currently going through a phase of rumbling and
groaning when people have to grudging admit that the perhaps the
wealthy do treat their social obligation as a wall to urinate
against. Still even if new laws are passed and loopholes closed, tax
avoidance will still continue on a grand scale, as you cannot prune
neo-liberalism into something fair or compassionate. This is what
most people (including a lot of lefties) would like to believe,
partly because it conveniently avoids questioning the wider
implications of tax avoidance. If companies treat their social
obligation to pay tax something to be wriggled out of, how do they
view health and safety or even employees’ wages? If you think the
idea that a company would try to avoid paying its staff is
ridiculous, then look at McDonald’s attempts to do just that in America.
An economic system which concentrates
wealth among the few, as opposed to distributing it more evenly, will
always have the problem of these few wealthy individuals taking
advantage. They hold the greater amount of power and thus cannot be
compelled to pay their fair share of taxes. What we have seen
recently with Starbucks, Google and others is an indication that
taxes which are supposed to be inescapable (remember the old adage)
can be avoided by the wealthy as our wealth based system will always
create an incentive for the rich to avoid paying their fair share of
The solution to wanton tax avoidance is
to change the way we think about wealth completely. We need to stop
thinking about wealth as a goal in itself, but more a by-product of
success in another field such as science or art. Wealth (much like
fame) is a life goal in and of itself, one which we acquire through
cynical self-interest, the proof for this is that no small child ever
said they wanted to grow up to be a hedge fund manager when asked
what they wanted to be in primary school. We also need to stop
respecting people purely because they are richer than us. Being
wealthy does not necessary mean you are a more creative or
intelligent human being, it more likely means that you had a bigger
leg up in life than others. Mainly we need to think about the global
plutarchy of the ultra-rich as a different sort of person who
transcends national identities and inhabits a world so different to
ours it might as well be alien. The idea that people whose existence
is so far removed from the pressures of normal life know what is best
for the average person is laughable. We need to stop bowing down to
the extremely wealthy and living in fear that they will take their
money else where - that fire sale has already happened. We need to
remember that social obligations are for everyone, and it is grossly
unfair that wealthy companies pay a smaller percentage of tax on
their income than the average private citizen who earns a lot less.
Only with radical change will the
excesses of greed and wealth be stopped. Small, incremental changes
will not stop tax avoidance, sweeping reform of our entire political
and economic system is needed. If we are all so disapproving of tax
avoidance then it is time we face up to what the underlying causes
are and accept what the solution is.